Mrs D's blogspot

A woman's view of the male dominated poker world

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Very frustrating times!

Sorry for the lack of updates. Firstly my laptop had to be sent away when I spilt liquid on the keyboard and the spacebar gave up, very annoying. Used my other half's laptop but his is useless with the wireless and spent most of my time disconnecting!!

Poker has been pretty terrible, get my chips in ahead, get donked my another loon, go on tilt, play like a donkey. It is a vicious circle but hopefully something I can overcome.
I have never played so many fish as there are on Crypto at the moment. They always say you should be happy to have them on your table but when they consistently knock you out of multis it is tough. I guess playing cash it is different and you do want them there. In the long term you will finally get paid off by them but in an mtt once you are out that is it.

Been playing on Pokerstars a little bit too. There is so much choice on there and hopefully I can build up a bankroll. Have just about given up on Betfair apart from Dreamteam, just no liquidity in the multis and not enough choice.

Anyway, that's my rant over :-). Everything else in life pretty good, summer is on it's way and looking forward to the show season with the horses.

Gl in your games,
Mrs D xx

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Another month gone, the daffodils are out and spring is on it's way. Spring is definitely my favourite season. The dark nights are gone and I don't have to muck out the horses every day!

Poker in February started great with a couple of wins. Has slowed down past couple of weeks though. With me working lates every other week I don't get to play as much but I do get to go riding on the mornings so I am happy with a nice balance.

Final profit for Feb was £2256. One win in the $13k and a win in the 1.5k. Also managed to make 8 FT's. Need to improve there though. Happy enough with that but would have liked to maybe have won a bit more after the start of the month. Hopefully March will be a good month.

Have been concentrating on trying to fix a few leaks in my game. I know when I am playing a hand badly. I struggle to fold that pair of queens on a K high board. I don't seem to believe my opponent and end up paying to find out that I was wrong! Also I seem to overplay AK, I have always hated this hand. So, hopefully I can fix these mistakes and reap the rewards, lol.

Cheltenham soon and this will be the first year in a few that I will miss most of it due to work. Gutted but hopefully will pick a few winners :-)

Thx for reading,
gl in your games,
Mrs D xxx